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(Message started by: EbargielaD on Jan 18th, 2018, 12:07am)

Title: Introduce Myrweb in blogspot (bloguer)
Post by EbargielaD on Jan 18th, 2018, 12:07am
Hi, I have a blog where I want to publish my scores and I do not know how I should do it. Can you help me, please?

Title: Re: Introduce Myrweb in blogspot (bloguer)
Post by PaulL on Jan 18th, 2018, 1:08am
What is it you are trying to accomplish?  There are a number of ways I can think of to post a score in your blog, but which one would be most effective would depend your goals.

Don't forget that as an HA user you also have a space on the MUSL Web site, to which your blog readers could be directed, as well.

Title: Re: Introduce Myrweb in blogspot (bloguer)
Post by EbargielaD on Jan 19th, 2018, 2:16pm

I intend to insert the Myrweb window as it is published in Musl but I need to insert it as a new entry in my google blog (blogger).

Something like that

Title: Re: Introduce Myrweb in blogspot (bloguer)
Post by JP on Jan 19th, 2018, 3:09pm

on 01/19/18 at 14:16:03, EbargielaD wrote:
I intend to insert the Myrweb window as it is published in Musl but I need to insert it as a new entry in my google blog (blogger).

There is no technical issue in opening a Myweb window in a web page, as long as your environment does not prevent you from defining script files and style pages, which is often the case of blogs, which are intended to allow non technical users to do simple things only.

The first questions to ask are
  • what are the limitations imposed by the context?
  • what is your personnal knowledge of web technology?

Title: Re: Introduce Myrweb in blogspot (bloguer)
Post by PaulL on Jan 19th, 2018, 8:15pm
I used to have a Blogspot blog myself, but I haven't even looked at it for several years, and I never really got into what Blogspot would or would not allow, anyway.

I will try to find time to give it a whirl; however, please don't hold your breath while waiting!  But if I can't get to it, there are a number of others on the forum who will probably be able to help.

Title: Re: Introduce Myrweb in blogspot (bloguer)
Post by JLS on Jan 20th, 2018, 2:34pm
Vous pouvez créer un site avec:

Il permet de télécharger les fichiers Myweb depuis votre ordinateur et de les publier sur internet.
Ce n'est pas compliqué à installer.


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